Saturday, October 2, 2010

So Far...

We sit here in Phuket, in Southern Thailand, with a belly full of unidentified tropical fruits about to catch a ferry to Koh Phi Phi, a tiny island with cliffs shooting out from the ocean where the movie, The Beach, was filmed. 
So far we have been having a great time.  Bangkok was better than expected, crazy though, with no traffic laws (we think) and dilapidated sprawling messes next to beautiful new skyscrapers. The dichotomy is astounding.  We walked around and ate the most amazing food (Paul you would not believe the Nasi Goering here!).  And I tried this rice mush called congi and I am hooked.  Our concierge at the nice hotel we stayed in was amazingly sweet and helpful and even told us all about the "red shirt controversy".  Apparently, the beloved king is sick and may be dying and many people don't like the queen because she has chosen a political side instead of trying to unite the people.  Nobody knows what is going to happen.  There are two camps, those who like the queen and her son and those who love the king and his daughter, who also wants to help all the people and lessen the HUGE gap between rich and poor.  There is a parliament, but the king has moral authority and has been able to solve political disputes by staying impartial and loving ALL of his subjects. The monarchy may be ending in a way with his passing unless the princess can continue the king's legacy.  Fascinating stuff. Apparently Thailand is healthier ever before because of the princess and king.

We fended off many a tuk tuk driver petitioning us to take ride and saw many strange foods served right next to the whizzing cars on the crazy streets. We even saw a guy sitting in a recliner watching T.V. ON the freeway.  We took public transportation to this mall the seemingly size of San Francisco and twice as busy, to buy a cell phone, the mall was a madhouse. Sorry no incoming calls allowed :( .  On the sky train people just get right up in your armpits and rub up against you like its nothin, sardines in a can.

We got taken to "the best tailor in Thailand," according to our concierge and this book called The Best of Everything and are having suits tailored for our entrance into the "business world".  Armani silk cashmere blends no less! We also were taken to a jewelry wholesaler/manufacturer.  We saw the production line and were treated like royalty.  We found some beautiful stuff and cheap!

We flew to Phuket two days ago and have been living it up at this resort surrounded by lush tropical flowers and birds. We drank margharitas at a pool bar and I played jengha with the sweet bartender, I lost because of the wind, twice. (Breen - suuuuuure...) We met these wonderful people from Holland who are world travelers and lovers of life.  They told us many amazing stories about places all over the world and shared some words of wisdom about how to enjoy life and reminded us of what is really important - love, friends, adventure, new experiences and living NOW... not saving for "later".  They also made us want to go to Iceland, go figure. And they got us drunk.
 Here at the Duangjitt resort we are splurging at $65 bucks a night.  But today we take a ferry to Koh Phi Phi where we will stay in a cheap little open bungalo on the beach on the quiet side of the island.  We are both excited to escape the hustle bustle of touristy Phuket, and be a stones throw from a very blue-green ocean. Snorkeling here we come.  And maybe scuba diving.  Breen says yes, Devon is freaking out.

We have so much more to share, but we have to check out and make our ferry. We are sending love to you and hope all is well back home!

More to come...

Lah Gorn Ka (bye),
Devon and Breen

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic! Thanks for the update.

    Oh and... "Cut da booshit, and enjoy da beach!" - Keaty talking to Richard in "The Beach."

    - Ian
